Actress Wamiqa Gabbi recently opened up about her experience of sharing screen space with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan in the upcoming film Baby John. Calling it a surreal experience, Wamiqa said, “It felt like a dream to work with Salman sir. His energy on set is truly infectious and inspiring.”
Wamiqa, known for her versatile roles, is making her big Bollywood leap with this project. Reflecting on the shoot, she shared how Salman’s down-to-earth nature and vibrant aura left a lasting impression on her.
Kalees, Varun, and Wamiqa Express Their Sincere Thoughts on His Vitality and Star Power
Salman’s appearance in the movie was warmly received by Varun Dhawan, who plays the lead. “I said,” she said. “We want to see him smile. We don’t like to see him down. We want to see him happy and smiling always,” Varun said. “In this film, he will bring a lot of smiles, and he’s going to give us the OG Salman Khan vibes—his energy, his magic, the charisma we all love.”
Directed by Vishnuvardhan, Baby John promises to be an action-packed entertainer. The film has been creating buzz ever since its announcement, and fans are eagerly awaiting its release. Wamiqa’s heartfelt admiration for Salman Khan has only added to the excitement surrounding the film, which is set to hit screens in mid-2025.
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