Bollywood fans might recall the excitement surrounding a star-studded project featuring Govinda, Tabu, and Lara Dutta. Directed by Anees Bazmee, the film, titled...
By Swati SharmaDecember 26, 2024The much-loved 2006 comedy Bhagam Bhag, directed by Priyadarshan, is finally getting a sequel after 18 years. Titled Bhagam Bhag 2, the movie...
By Swati SharmaNovember 24, 2024Veteran actor and Shiv Sena leader Govinda recently underwent an emergency surgery, and the news has prompted an outpouring of support from Bollywood....
By Swati SharmaOctober 7, 2024Bollywood actor and Shiv Sena member Govinda was rushed to a hospital after sustaining a bullet injury in his leg. The incident took...
By Swati SharmaOctober 7, 2024In a recent revelation, director David Dhawan shared an interesting behind-the-scenes story about his 2007 hit film Partner. According to Dhawan, Salman Khan...
By Swati SharmaAugust 5, 2024Oppenheimer actor Cillian Murphy, best known for his compelling performances in projects like “Peaky Blinders” and “Inception,” has recently sparked comparisons to 90s...
By Swati SharmaFebruary 20, 2024