Shahid Kapoor recently reflected on his experience hosting the SCREEN Awards and shared how Shah Rukh Khan helped him feel at ease. Speaking about the event, Shahid admitted being nervous but credited SRK for teaching him a lot and creating a comfortable environment.
Shahid was given a picture of himself at the SCREEN Awards with SRK and Hema Malini during the SCREEN Archive round. The Deva actor responded to the photo by saying, “It was a lot of fun.” Additionally, I was quite anxious because I believe this was my first or second time hosting Shah Rukh sir. I was not particularly comfortable hosting, but I was quite comfortable dancing on stage. He thereby made me feel really at ease. I thought, “I made it,” as I stood in front of two legends. Standing in front of two legends, Shah Rukh sir on one side and Hema (Malini) ji on the other, made me very delighted.
He recalled the experience fun and memorable, highlighting how hosting alongside a seasoned entertainer like Shah Rukh was both a learning opportunity and a confidence booster. Shahid expressed his admiration for SRK’s charm and hosting skills.
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