Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was recently spotted returning from a family getaway in Alibaug, accompanied by his beloved pet dog. Videos of SRK arriving at his Mumbai residence have gone viral, with fans showering love on his adorable furry companion.
In the clips, Shah Rukh is seen dressed casually, exuding his signature charm. In addition to his crew, SRK was seen leaving the jetty at the Gateway of India in Mumbai with his wife Gauri Khan, daughter Suhana Khan, and son AbRam. It appears that Aryan, their eldest child, was not involved. However, it was his pet dog that captured everyone’s attention, delighting fans and sparking a buzz on social media. Wearing an all-black avatar and a face-covering hoodie, SRK portrayed the ideal father protecting his youngest child, AbRam, from excessive camera and paparazzi scrutiny. As the family headed to their car, he was also carrying his little pet in his arms. Not surprisingly, Shah’s video has gone viral on social media and appears to have acquired a lot of traction there.
In response to the video, fans also left comments on the post and showered the video with love.
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