Bollywood superstar Salman Khan attended Anant Ambani’s grand birthday celebrations in Jamnagar, which featured a unique Bhaijaan theme. The party paid tribute to Salman’s iconic on-screen persona and was attended by close friends and family of the Ambanis.
Dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit, Salman posed with Anant Ambani for pictures that quickly went viral. The event showcased a festive atmosphere, blending glamour and heartfelt camaraderie. Fans of Salman Khan appreciated the thoughtful nod to his cinematic legacy in the party’s theme.
Anant reportedly hosted an extravagant party for his close friend that was based on Salman’s well-known “Bhaijaan” character. With lavish décor, a breathtaking fireworks show, and a fine dining spread for the attendees, the Ambanis did everything they could to make the occasion unforgettable.Latest Bollywood
Deanne Panday and Sohail Khan posted inside photos from the celebration, showing the Khan family having a good time with their Bollywood friends while they enjoyed the expansive estate. The celebrations were further enhanced by the attendance of Salman’s mother, Salma Khan, and his siblings, Arpita Khan Sharma and Sohail Khan, as well as Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh.
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