Bollywood star Preity Zinta once revealed the challenges she faced after testifying against the underworld in the Bharat Shah case in 2003. Known as one of the few actors to stand firm, she called it a “scary time” in her life.
Preity shared how threats intensified, and she was urged to withdraw. “Once they started abusing and threatening, I decided I wouldn’t back down,” she recalled. “For the record, if I knew that everyone was going to back out, I also would have,” Preity Zinta stated in an interview at the 2018 India Today Conclave. It was a frightening period of my life. I should have been safe. Ten minutes later, everything I said in court was shown on television.
“I was fine until they started scaring me, but once they started abusing, I lost it,” she continued. I can handle stress but not abuse from others. I discovered that you should never answer a call from +92! Fortunately, I was well-known. It would have been difficult if I hadn’t been.
“I didn’t have a family, I didn’t have children,” Preity added.
Despite the fear, she stayed strong, becoming a symbol of courage in Bollywood’s fight against crime.
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