On January 31, 2025, during the Jaipur Literature Festival, veteran actor-director MK Raina abruptly left the stage as actress-singer Ila Arun performed a scene from her play – Peer Ghani. The incident occurred on the festival’s second day, leaving attendees surprised. It all began when Arun talked about her admiration for the renowned playwright Henrik Ibsen and how she transformed his well-known work Peer Gynt into her own play, Peer Ghani, which is set in Kashmir. Arun chose to perform a scene from her play on the JLF stage during the exchange, while Raina chose to leave during that time.
According to insiders, Raina felt overlooked during the specific session, although he did not explain why he was disappointed.
Raina remarked, “This session is not just about my book, but it’s about my life,” once Arun realized she had left. And he shouldn’t be offended if I’m acting. He ought to be seated here. The audience was in stitches when she joked, “Albert Pinto ko gussa kyu aaya?” and applauded her for keeping her cool.
While the exact reasons for Raina’s departure remain unclear, the unexpected exit has sparked discussions among festival-goers and the broader artistic community. Both Raina and Arun have yet to comment on the incident.
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