Fashion icon Manish Malhotra hosted a dazzling party at his Mumbai residence, attracting Bollywood’s top stars for a night to remember. The star-studded affair saw the presence of A-listers like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor, and Karan Johar, who turned heads with their stunning looks. Some of the other well-known figures in Bollywood, like Vijay Varma, Tamannaah Bhatia, Sophie Choudry, Disha Patani, and Diana Penty, were also on the guest list. Their stylish outfits made them stand out. While Taha Shah, Vaani Kapoor, Rasha Thadani, and Urmila Matondkar contributed to the evening’s glitz, Pavail Gulati, Nushrratt Bharuccha, Ayushmann Khurrana, and his wife Tahira Kashyap Khurana also made an impression.
The event celebrated fashion, films, and friendship, with Manish Malhotra playing the perfect host. Guests enjoyed the chic ambiance, exquisite décor, and mouthwatering cuisine while catching up with their industry peers. Photos and videos from the bash flooded social media, with fans admiring the glamorous outfits and candid moments. Kareena Kapoor Khan’s shimmering dress and Alia Bhatt’s elegant look garnered special attention.
Manish Malhotra’s parties have become synonymous with Bollywood’s glitz and glamour, and this one was no exception. It was a night where stars truly shone, both on and off the red carpet!
- and Diana Penty
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- Bollywood’s Biggest Stars
- Disha Patani
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- Fashion icon Manish Malhotra
- Glamorous Bash
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- Manish Malhotra
- Rasha Thadani
- Sophie Choudry
- Taha Shah
- Tamannaah Bhatia
- Urmila Matondkar
- Vaani Kapoor
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