Actress Keerthy Suresh delighted fans by sharing unseen glimpses of a traditional Malayali-style wedding celebration. The photos capture Keerthy exuding happiness while dressed in a stunning Kerala saree, complete with jasmine-adorned hair and intricate gold jewelry. Later, the actress shared photos from her December wedding in the gorgeous state of Goa, where the couple married according to both Catholic and Hindu customs. The festive spirit is reflected in vibrant rituals and candid moments with family and friends, showcasing the cultural richness of the event.
Keerthy Suresh has been giving fans eager tidbits of information about the celebrations on social media ever since their idyllic wedding in the sandy background of Goa. Once more, Keerthy posted a series of images from a joyous ceremony on Instagram on Friday. The couple was dressed in traditional Malayali attire. The Mahanati actress was spotted wearing a stunning ivory lehenga and a bright orange dupatta, with golden embroidery adorning the entire ensemble. Antony also complimented his bride’s stylish yet conventional persona. Keerthy also wrote on her social media post, “Bringing out the #നാടൻമലയാളി (Naadanmalayali) in us… The Toast with a Twist!”
Fans also poured love and compliments for the actress, appreciating her elegance and the heartwarming glimpses into the festivities.
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