Akshay Kumar took to social media to wish his wife, Twinkle Khanna, on her 51st birthday in the most touching way. Sharing a candid picture of the two enjoying a scenic outdoor moment on 29 December, Akshay shared an edited video on Instagram and penned a beautiful note that read, “Happy Birthday, Tina. You’re not just a sport; you’re the whole game. I’ve learned so much from you—how to laugh until my stomach hurts (and you’re almost always the reason for it), how to sing my heart out when a favorite song plays on the radio, and how to dance just because I feel like. Tere varga sach mein hor koi na (There’s truly no one else like you).”
The video first showed the nerdy Twinkle reading a booking, basking under the sun, “What everyone thinks my wife is like.” This showcases her composed and geeky side, as a celebrated author. After that, the next scene showcases Twinkle letting herself loose with her quirky dance moves in their living room, highlighting her carefree persona and this captioned, “But what she’s really like.” Akshay joined in to give Twinkle a happy high five as the video came to a close, giving a personal touch that emphasized their happy chemistry.
The heartfelt post quickly won over fans, who admired the couple’s strong bond and Akshay’s thoughtful words. The birthday post was a sweet reminder of their enduring love story.
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