At the Telugu movie Thandel’s trailer premiere in Mumbai, Aamir Khan was the main guest. Actor Naga Chaitanya, director Chandoo Mondeti, music director Devi Sri Prasad, and producers Allu Aravind and Bunny Vasu all praised their film and Aamir in particular.
Aamir Khan shared an amusing personal anecdote in this special event. He revealed, “I want to thank all of you for giving me so much love. I am quite touched. Aravind garu is like an elder brother. When he said his film was releasing and he wanted me to attend the event, I said yes even before fully knowing the situation. Then he told me, ‘I want you to know that its coming on February 7’. I asked him, ‘Yes, so?’. He reminded, ‘Your son’s film is also releasing on the same day’. I told him, ‘No problem. Sab filmein chalegi. I think jab film ki kahani acchi hoti hai, toh log usse pasand karte hai. Often, we have seen that two films, which have released together, have worked.”
While smiling and cornering Devi Sri Prasad, he said, “There’s a song of yours, ‘Dhinka Chika’. That’s my favourite song. Mujhe normally naachna pasand nahin hai. But when that song is played, I start dancing. Salman knows this!”
Aamir also praised the Thandel trailer, calling it fantastic and commending its music. Thandel, starring Naga Chaitanya and directed by Chandoo Mondeti, is set to release in multiple languages, including Hindi and Telugu, on February 7.
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